सबसे ऊपर हैं रिश्ते- अर्जुन कपूर
-अजय ब्रह्मात्मज
अर्जुन कपूर ने
अपने किरदार के साथ कई प्रयोग किए हैं। आर बाल्की की ‘की एंड का’ में वह हाउस हसबैंड बने हैं। यह यूनिक आइडिया है।
अपने सफर और फिल्म को लेकर उन्होंने बात की :बातें अभी और हैं...
-आपके साथ के फैक्टर कारगर रहा है। खतरों के खिलाड़ी...केकेके। उसके बाद ‘की एंड का’ के एंड के...
0 हां मेरी
को-स्टार करीना कपूर खान हैं। उसमें भी केकेके फेक्टर है। मैं हमेशा से ही बोलता
हूं कि इस फिल्म में करीना का ‘का’ और बाल्की का ‘की’। मैं ‘एंड’ हूं। ‘की’ और ‘का’ वे दोनों हैं। मुझे नहीं पता कि यह के फेक्टर मेरे लिए काम करेगा या नहीं।
लेकिन मुझे ‘की एंड का’ करने में बहुत
मजा आया। ठीक वैसा ही ‘खतरों के खिलाड़ी’ का अनुभव रहा। मैं तो सिर्फ इतना ही कहूंगा कि मुझे दोनों से ही पॉजीटिव
एनर्जी मिली।
-अक्सर लोग फिल्म या फिर खुद के नाम
में कोई खास अक्षर जोड़ते हैं। आप इसमें कितना यकीन रखते हैं?
0 कोई मुझे नाम
बदलने को कहे तो भी नहीं करुंगा। मेरी मां ने मुझे पुखराज की अंगूठी दी थी।(दिखाते
हुए)मैं इसे हमेशा पहनता हूं। मेरे लिए यह उनकी याद है। मैं उनकी हर बात मानता था।
अब मेरी नानी और मौसी जो कहती हैं,मैं वही करता हूं। मैं स्वयं इन सब चीजों पर
ज्यादा विश्वास नहीं करता हूं। अगर किसी और का विश्वास इन सारी चीजों पर है तो
उसका सम्मान करता हूं। अगर मेरी करीबी लोगों की सलाह भलाई के लिए है, उसमें पॉजीटिवनेस दिखाई दे रही है तो मैं उसे नकारता नहीं हूं। एक बार किसी
पंडित ने मेरी कुंडली देखकर कहा था मैं कभी एक्टर नहीं बन सकता हूं। हकीकत सामने
-आपने अपने फेसबुक प्रोफाइल में
लिखा है सन ब्रदर फ्रेंड एंड एक्टर । इसके पीछे की वजह क्या है?
0 पहले मैं
किसी का बेटा बना उसके बाद भाई और दोस्त। एक्टर बाद में बना। इन तीनों रिश्तों की
वजह से ही मैं एक्टर बना हूं। ये रिश्ते नहीं रहते तो मैं अच्छा इंसान नहीं बन
पाता। एक्टर तो दूर की बात है। हर रिश्ते में कोई ना कोई समस्या रहती है। कोई भी
परफेक्ट बेटा या भाई नहीं हो सकता है। हम सीखते हुए आगे बढ़ते हैं। मेरा मानना है
कि निजी जिदंगी का असर एक्टिंग पर पड़ता है। इसी वजह से मैंने एक्टर को स्टेट्स
में आखिरी में रखा है। अगर यह तीनों परफेक्ट हो गया तो एक्टर भी परफेक्ट बन
-क्या को-एक्टर या आपके आस-पास
मौजूद लोगों के साथ रिश्तों का असर सचमुच किरदार पर पड़ता है।
0 मैं मानता
हूं कि आप समझदार एक्टर हैं तो माहौल का इस्तेमाल करेंगे। अगर कोई इमोशनल सीन है, आपकी जिदंगी में उतार-चढाव चल रहे है तो कहीं ना कहीं आप उसका इस्तेमाल एक्ट
में कर सकते हो। हालांकि दर्शक यह नहीं समझ पायेंगे कि सीन के समय या उससे पहले
आपके निजी जिंदगी में क्या हो रहा था? यह भी सच है
कि आप हर बार निजी जीवन की भावनाओं का इस्तेमाल एक्टिंग में नहीं कर सकते हैं।
ज्यादातर किरदार और डायरेक्टर के पाइंट को कहानी के हिसाब से लेकर करना पड़ता है। ‘टू स्टेट्स’ करने का अर्थ यह नहीं है कि अपने पिताजी के साथ मेरा रिश्ता ठीक नहीं है।
-हमारे हिंदी सिनेमा के एक ट्रैडिशनल
बॉलीवुड फ्रेम बना हुआ है। यह आप में कोई दिक्कत पैदा करता है।
0 कुछ दिन पहले
मैंने ‘मार्शन’ फिल्म देखी। वह कमाल की फिल्म है। एक आदमी मंगल ग्रह पर छूट गया। वह अकेला
कैसे वहां पर जीवनयापन करता है, फिल्म उस संबंध में है। काश हमारे यहां
भी ऐसी फिल्में बनें। लोगों को लगता है कि एक्टर बोलेंगे तब डायरेक्टर ऐसी फिल्में
बनायेंगे। हम सोचते हैं कि राइटर ऐसी फिल्म लिखेंगे तब हम करेंगे। इन सैकड़ो चीजों
की वजह से हम उसी सीमा में बंध गए जो सुरक्षित हैं। मगर धीरे-धीरे बदलाव आया है।
हमारी एक्शन और सुपर हीरो आधारित फिल्में इंटरनेशनल स्तर पर पसंद की जा रही है।
इमोशन हमारी फिल्मों की ताकत हैं। पिछले दिनों मैंने ‘तमाशा’ देखी। वह एक डार्क ड्रामा फिल्म थी। डायरेक्टर ने नए तरीके से कहानी को
दर्शाया है। हम अभी वेस्ट का मुकाबला नहीं कर सकते हैं। हम उनसे कंटेंट और क्राफ्ट
में पीछे हैं।
-‘की एंड का’ के बारे में बताएं।
0 बहुत ही
मजेदार फिल्म है। यह सदियों पुराने सोशल मुद्दे पर आधारित है। दबी आवाज में इसकी चर्चा
होती है। खुलकर इस विषय पर कभी किसी ने बात नहीं की। मेरा मानना है कि लिंग के
आधार नौकरी करने या न करने का फैसला नहीं होना चाहिए। यह हुनर और काबिलियत की वजह
से होना चाहिए। अगर आपको कोई लडक़ा मिल जाएं जो मां की तरह घर गृहस्थी संभालना
चाहता है तो क्या समाज या उसकी पत्नी उसे
समझ पाएगी? यह फिल्म उसी अजीब से लडक़े के बारे में है। इस लडक़े की लाइफ में महत्वाकांक्षी
लडक़ी आती है। वह उससे अपनी मां जैसा बनने की ख्वाहिश जाहिर करता है। यह बहुत ही
गंभीर मुद्दा है। इसे बड़े ही संवेदनशील तरीके से दिखाया गया है।
-करीना कपूर खान के साथ कैसा अनुभव
रहा? वह आपकी सीनियर हैं।
0 हमारी उम्र
में थोड़ा फासला है। मगर हम दोनों दोस्त है। किसी ने मुझे पूछा था कि आप करीना का
काम पसंद करते हो। मैंने कहा था कि मैं उनका प्रशंसक हूं। इस पर अफवाह फैली कि मैं
उनके सामने घबरा जाता हूं। ऐसा कुछ भी नहीं है। प्रशंसक का मतलब कि मैं बतौर
कलाकार उनका सम्मान करता हूं। वह शादी के बाद भी काम कर रही हैं। अपने काम का
सम्मान करती हैं। अभी भी उत्साह के साथ काम करती हैं। वह जब एक्टर नहीं बनी थी मैं
तब से उन्हें जानता हूं। इस फिल्म में उन्होंने कमाल किया है। बहुत दिनों बाद वह
ऐसे दिखाई देंगी।
-सोनम के काम पर कितना ध्यान देते
0 मैं अपना काम
देख लूं यही गनीमत है। सोनम अपना काम बखूबी जानती हैं। मैं खुश हूं कि उन्होंने ‘नीरजा’ की। बहुत कम एक्टरों के खाते में यादगार फिल्में आती है। सोनम को यह खुशी मिली
है। नीरजा उसके करियर में मील का पत्थर साबित हुई। यह उसके लिए अनसेफ फैसला था। वह
कोई और रोमांटिक फिल्म कर सकती है। उसमें उसका टैलेंट सबके सामने आया है। मैं खुश
हूं कि उसने ‘नीरजा’ फिल्म की।
वैसे मुझे उसे कुछ बताने की जरूरत नहीं है। वह सुलझी हुई है। जो कहती है,सच कहती
है। उसके पास इतने बेहतरीन पिता हैं।
-पिता बोनी कपूर बड़े निर्माता हैं।
उनके काम को आप कब संभालेंगे?
0 निर्माता
बनने से मैं डरता हूं। मैं उनसे ज्यादा खर्चीला
इंसान हूं। मैं अपने पैसे नहीं संभाल सकता हूं। उनके कैसे संभाल सकूंगा।
मुझे अभी-भी नहीं पता कि मेरा बैंक अकाउंट कहां है। मैं सब खर्च कर दूंगा। मैं
निर्माता बनने के लायक नहीं हूं। मैं डायरेक्टर जरूर बनूंगा। उनकी विरासत को आगे
बढा़ऊंगा। वैसे मैं अभी तैयार नहीं हूं। अभी मुझे अच्छे मौके मिल रहे हैं। आने
वाले दस सालों में मैं यह कर सकता हूं।
-सिनेमा ने अर्जुन को इंसान के तौर
पर क्या सिखाया है?
0 मैं
इंडस्ट्री के लोगों के बीच पला बढ़ा हूं। असलियत से वाकिफ हूं। इंडस्ट्री बड़ी
अजीब जगह है। आज आपको मान-सम्मान देने वाले कल तक आपको देखना गवारा नहीं करते थे।
इन बातों से मुझे फर्क नहीं पड़ा है। मुझे यह पहले से पता था। मैं केवल पॉजीटिव चीजें देखता हूं। एक्टिंग की बदौलत
अपना मुकाम बना पाया हूं। लोगों से कनेक्ट बना पाया हूं। लोग मुझे प्यार देते हैं।
अनजान लोगों से मुहब्बत मिलती हैं। इससे ज्यादा क्या चाहिए। इन सबसे आप जिम्मेदारी
महसूस करते हैं। मैं यहां पर खुश हूं। यह कमाल की जगह है।
for arjun kapoor fans...who cant read in hindi.this is roman transcript....
for arjun kapoor fans...who cant read in hindi.this is roman transcript....
sabse oonche hain rishte- arjun kapoor -ajay brahmaatmaj
arjun kapoor ne apane kiradaar ke saath kaee prayog kie hain. aar baalkee kee ‘kee end ka’ mein vah haus hasabaind bane hain. yah yoonik aaidiya hai. apane saphar aur philm ko lekar unhonne baat kee :
-aapake saath ke phaiktar kaaragar raha hai. khataron ke khilaadee...kekeke. usake baad ‘kee end ka’ ke end ke...
0haan meree ko-staar kareena kapoor khaan hain. usamen bhee kekeke phektar hai. main hamesha se hee bolata hoon ki is philma mein kareena ka ‘ka’ aur baalkee ka ‘kee’. main ‘end’ hoon. ‘kee’ aur ‘ka’ ve donon hain. mujhe nahin pata ki yah ke phektar mere lie kaam karega ya nahin. lekin mujhe ‘kee end ka’ karane mein bahut maja aaya. theek vaisa hee ‘khataron ke khilaadee’ ka anubhav raha. main to sirph itana hee kahoonga ki mujhe donon se hee pojeetiv enarjee milee.
-aksar log philm ya phir khud ke naam mein koee khaas akshar jodate hain. aap isamen kitana yakeen rakhate hain?
0koee mujhe naam badalane ko kahe to bhee nahin karunga. meree maan ne mujhe pukharaaj kee angoothee dee thee.(dikhaate hue)main ise hamesha pahanata hoon. mere lie yah unakee yaad hai. main unakee har baat maanata tha. ab meree naanee aur mausee jo kahatee hain,main vahee karata hoon. main svayan in sab cheejon par jyaada vishvaas nahin karata hoon. agar kisee aur ka vishvaas in saaree cheejon par hai to usaka sammaan karata hoon. agar meree kareebee logon kee salaah bhalaee ke lie hai, usamen pojeetivanes dikhaee de rahee hai to main use nakaarata nahin hoon. ek baar kisee pandit ne meree kundalee dekhakar kaha tha main kabhee ektar nahin ban sakata hoon. hakeekat saamane hai.
-aapane apane phesabuk prophail mein likha hai san bradar phrend end ektar . isake peechhe kee vajah kya hai?
0 pahale main kisee ka beta bana usake baad bhaee aur dost. ektar baad mein bana. in teenon rishton kee vajah se hee main ektar bana hoon. ye rishte nahin rahate to main achchha insaan nahin ban paata. ektar to door kee baat hai. har rishte mein koee na koee samasya rahatee hai. koee bhee paraphekt beta ya bhaee nahin ho sakata hai. ham seekhate hue aage badhate hain. mera maanana hai ki nijee jidangee ka asar ekting par padata hai. isee vajah se mainne ektar ko stets mein aakhiree mein rakha hai. agar yah teenon paraphekt ho gaya to ektar bhee paraphekt ban jaoonga.
-kya ko-ektar ya aapake aas-paas maujood logon ke saath rishton ka asar sachamuch kiradaar par padata hai.
0 main maanata hoon ki aap samajhadaar ektar hain to maahaul ka istemaal karenge. agar koee imoshanal seen hai, aapakee jidangee mein utaar-chadhaav chal rahe hai to kaheen na kaheen aap usaka istemaal ekt mein kar sakate ho. haalaanki darshak yah nahin samajh paayenge ki seen ke samay ya usase pahale aapake nijee jindagee mein kya ho raha tha? yah bhee sach hai ki aap har baar nijee jeevan kee bhaavanaon ka istemaal ekting mein nahin kar sakate hain. jyaadaatar kiradaar aur daayarektar ke paint ko kahaanee ke hisaab se lekar karana padata hai. ‘too stets’ karane ka arth yah nahin hai ki apane pitaajee ke saath mera rishta theek nahin hai.
-hamaare hindee sinema ke ek traidishanal boleevud phrem bana hua hai. yah aap mein koee dikkat paida karata hai.
0 kuchh din pahale mainne ‘maarshan’ philm dekhee. vah kamaal kee philm hai. ek aadamee mangal grah par chhoot gaya. vah akela kaise vahaan par jeevanayaapan karata hai, philm us sambandh mein hai. kaash hamaare yahaan bhee aisee philmen banen. logon ko lagata hai ki ektar bolenge tab daayarektar aisee philmen banaayenge. ham sochate hain ki raitar aisee philm likhenge tab ham karenge. in saikado cheejon kee vajah se ham usee seema mein bandh gae jo surakshit hain. magar dheere-dheere badalaav aaya hai. hamaaree ekshan aur supar heero aadhaarit philmen intaraneshanal star par pasand kee ja rahee hai. imoshan hamaaree philmon kee taakat hain. pichhale dinon mainne ‘tamaasha’ dekhee. vah ek daark draama philm thee. daayarektar ne nae tareeke se kahaanee ko darshaaya hai. ham abhee vest ka mukaabala nahin kar sakate hain. ham unase kantent aur kraapht mein peechhe hain.
-‘kee end ka’ ke baare mein bataen.
0 bahut hee majedaar philm hai. yah sadiyon puraane soshal mudde par aadhaarit hai. dabee aavaaj mein isakee charcha hotee hai. khulakar is vishay par kabhee kisee ne baat nahin kee. mera maanana hai ki ling ke aadhaar naukaree karane ya na karane ka phaisala nahin hona chaahie. yah hunar aur kaabiliyat kee vajah se hona chaahie. agar aapako koee ladaqa mil jaen jo maan kee tarah ghar grhasthee sambhaalana chaahata hai to kya samaaj ya usakee patnee use samajh paegee? yah philm usee ajeeb se ladaqe ke baare mein hai. is ladaqe kee laiph mein mahatvaakaankshee ladaqee aatee hai. vah usase apanee maan jaisa banane kee khvaahish jaahir karata hai. yah bahut hee gambheer mudda hai. ise bade hee sanvedanasheel tareeke se dikhaaya gaya hai.
-kareena kapoor khaan ke saath kaisa anubhav raha? vah aapakee seeniyar hain.
0 hamaaree umr mein thoda phaasala hai. magar ham donon dost hai. kisee ne mujhe poochha tha ki aap kareena ka kaam pasand karate ho. mainne kaha tha ki main unaka prashansak hoon. is par aphavaah phailee ki main unake saamane ghabara jaata hoon. aisa kuchh bhee nahin hai. prashansak ka matalab ki main bataur kalaakaar unaka sammaan karata hoon. vah shaadee ke baad bhee kaam kar rahee hain. apane kaam ka sammaan karatee hain. abhee bhee utsaah ke saath kaam karatee hain. vah jab ektar nahin banee thee main tab se unhen jaanata hoon. is philm mein unhonne kamaal kiya hai. bahut dinon baad vah aise dikhaee dengee.
-sonam ke kaam par kitana dhyaan dete hain?
0 main apana kaam dekh loon yahee ganeemat hai. sonam apana kaam bakhoobee jaanatee hain. main khush hoon ki unhonne ‘neeraja’ kee. bahut kam ektaron ke khaate mein yaadagaar philmen aatee hai. sonam ko yah khushee milee hai. neeraja usake kariyar mein meel ka patthar saabit huee. yah usake lie anaseph phaisala tha. vah koee aur romaantik philm kar sakatee hai. usamen usaka tailent sabake saamane aaya hai. main khush hoon ki usane ‘neeraja’ philm kee. vaise mujhe use kuchh bataane kee jaroorat nahin hai. vah sulajhee huee hai. jo kahatee hai,sach kahatee hai. usake paas itane behatareen pita hain.
-pita bonee kapoor bade nirmaata hain. unake kaam ko aap kab sambhaalenge?
0 nirmaata banane se main darata hoon. main unase jyaada kharcheela insaan hoon. main apane paise nahin sambhaal sakata hoon. unake kaise sambhaal sakoonga. mujhe abhee-bhee nahin pata ki mera baink akaunt kahaan hai. main sab kharch kar doonga. main nirmaata banane ke laayak nahin hoon. main daayarektar jaroor banoonga. unakee viraasat ko aage badhaoonga. vaise main abhee taiyaar nahin hoon. abhee mujhe achchhe mauke mil rahe hain. aane vaale das saalon mein main yah kar sakata hoon.
-sinema ne arjun ko insaan ke taur par kya sikhaaya hai?
0 main indastree ke logon ke beech pala badha hoon. asaliyat se vaakiph hoon. indastree badee ajeeb jagah hai. aaj aapako maan-sammaan dene vaale kal tak aapako dekhana gavaara nahin karate the. in baaton se mujhe phark nahin pada hai. mujhe yah pahale se pata tha. main keval pojeetiv cheejen dekhata hoon. ekting kee badaulat apana mukaam bana paaya hoon. logon se kanekt bana paaya hoon. log mujhe pyaar dete hain. anajaan logon se muhabbat milatee hain. isase jyaada kya chaahie. in sabase aap jimmedaaree mahasoos karate hain. main yahaan par khush hoon. yah kamaal kee jagah hai.
arjun kapoor ne apane kiradaar ke saath kaee prayog kie hain. aar baalkee kee ‘kee end ka’ mein vah haus hasabaind bane hain. yah yoonik aaidiya hai. apane saphar aur philm ko lekar unhonne baat kee :
-aapake saath ke phaiktar kaaragar raha hai. khataron ke khilaadee...kekeke. usake baad ‘kee end ka’ ke end ke...
0haan meree ko-staar kareena kapoor khaan hain. usamen bhee kekeke phektar hai. main hamesha se hee bolata hoon ki is philma mein kareena ka ‘ka’ aur baalkee ka ‘kee’. main ‘end’ hoon. ‘kee’ aur ‘ka’ ve donon hain. mujhe nahin pata ki yah ke phektar mere lie kaam karega ya nahin. lekin mujhe ‘kee end ka’ karane mein bahut maja aaya. theek vaisa hee ‘khataron ke khilaadee’ ka anubhav raha. main to sirph itana hee kahoonga ki mujhe donon se hee pojeetiv enarjee milee.
-aksar log philm ya phir khud ke naam mein koee khaas akshar jodate hain. aap isamen kitana yakeen rakhate hain?
0koee mujhe naam badalane ko kahe to bhee nahin karunga. meree maan ne mujhe pukharaaj kee angoothee dee thee.(dikhaate hue)main ise hamesha pahanata hoon. mere lie yah unakee yaad hai. main unakee har baat maanata tha. ab meree naanee aur mausee jo kahatee hain,main vahee karata hoon. main svayan in sab cheejon par jyaada vishvaas nahin karata hoon. agar kisee aur ka vishvaas in saaree cheejon par hai to usaka sammaan karata hoon. agar meree kareebee logon kee salaah bhalaee ke lie hai, usamen pojeetivanes dikhaee de rahee hai to main use nakaarata nahin hoon. ek baar kisee pandit ne meree kundalee dekhakar kaha tha main kabhee ektar nahin ban sakata hoon. hakeekat saamane hai.
-aapane apane phesabuk prophail mein likha hai san bradar phrend end ektar . isake peechhe kee vajah kya hai?
0 pahale main kisee ka beta bana usake baad bhaee aur dost. ektar baad mein bana. in teenon rishton kee vajah se hee main ektar bana hoon. ye rishte nahin rahate to main achchha insaan nahin ban paata. ektar to door kee baat hai. har rishte mein koee na koee samasya rahatee hai. koee bhee paraphekt beta ya bhaee nahin ho sakata hai. ham seekhate hue aage badhate hain. mera maanana hai ki nijee jidangee ka asar ekting par padata hai. isee vajah se mainne ektar ko stets mein aakhiree mein rakha hai. agar yah teenon paraphekt ho gaya to ektar bhee paraphekt ban jaoonga.
-kya ko-ektar ya aapake aas-paas maujood logon ke saath rishton ka asar sachamuch kiradaar par padata hai.
0 main maanata hoon ki aap samajhadaar ektar hain to maahaul ka istemaal karenge. agar koee imoshanal seen hai, aapakee jidangee mein utaar-chadhaav chal rahe hai to kaheen na kaheen aap usaka istemaal ekt mein kar sakate ho. haalaanki darshak yah nahin samajh paayenge ki seen ke samay ya usase pahale aapake nijee jindagee mein kya ho raha tha? yah bhee sach hai ki aap har baar nijee jeevan kee bhaavanaon ka istemaal ekting mein nahin kar sakate hain. jyaadaatar kiradaar aur daayarektar ke paint ko kahaanee ke hisaab se lekar karana padata hai. ‘too stets’ karane ka arth yah nahin hai ki apane pitaajee ke saath mera rishta theek nahin hai.
-hamaare hindee sinema ke ek traidishanal boleevud phrem bana hua hai. yah aap mein koee dikkat paida karata hai.
0 kuchh din pahale mainne ‘maarshan’ philm dekhee. vah kamaal kee philm hai. ek aadamee mangal grah par chhoot gaya. vah akela kaise vahaan par jeevanayaapan karata hai, philm us sambandh mein hai. kaash hamaare yahaan bhee aisee philmen banen. logon ko lagata hai ki ektar bolenge tab daayarektar aisee philmen banaayenge. ham sochate hain ki raitar aisee philm likhenge tab ham karenge. in saikado cheejon kee vajah se ham usee seema mein bandh gae jo surakshit hain. magar dheere-dheere badalaav aaya hai. hamaaree ekshan aur supar heero aadhaarit philmen intaraneshanal star par pasand kee ja rahee hai. imoshan hamaaree philmon kee taakat hain. pichhale dinon mainne ‘tamaasha’ dekhee. vah ek daark draama philm thee. daayarektar ne nae tareeke se kahaanee ko darshaaya hai. ham abhee vest ka mukaabala nahin kar sakate hain. ham unase kantent aur kraapht mein peechhe hain.
-‘kee end ka’ ke baare mein bataen.
0 bahut hee majedaar philm hai. yah sadiyon puraane soshal mudde par aadhaarit hai. dabee aavaaj mein isakee charcha hotee hai. khulakar is vishay par kabhee kisee ne baat nahin kee. mera maanana hai ki ling ke aadhaar naukaree karane ya na karane ka phaisala nahin hona chaahie. yah hunar aur kaabiliyat kee vajah se hona chaahie. agar aapako koee ladaqa mil jaen jo maan kee tarah ghar grhasthee sambhaalana chaahata hai to kya samaaj ya usakee patnee use samajh paegee? yah philm usee ajeeb se ladaqe ke baare mein hai. is ladaqe kee laiph mein mahatvaakaankshee ladaqee aatee hai. vah usase apanee maan jaisa banane kee khvaahish jaahir karata hai. yah bahut hee gambheer mudda hai. ise bade hee sanvedanasheel tareeke se dikhaaya gaya hai.
-kareena kapoor khaan ke saath kaisa anubhav raha? vah aapakee seeniyar hain.
0 hamaaree umr mein thoda phaasala hai. magar ham donon dost hai. kisee ne mujhe poochha tha ki aap kareena ka kaam pasand karate ho. mainne kaha tha ki main unaka prashansak hoon. is par aphavaah phailee ki main unake saamane ghabara jaata hoon. aisa kuchh bhee nahin hai. prashansak ka matalab ki main bataur kalaakaar unaka sammaan karata hoon. vah shaadee ke baad bhee kaam kar rahee hain. apane kaam ka sammaan karatee hain. abhee bhee utsaah ke saath kaam karatee hain. vah jab ektar nahin banee thee main tab se unhen jaanata hoon. is philm mein unhonne kamaal kiya hai. bahut dinon baad vah aise dikhaee dengee.
-sonam ke kaam par kitana dhyaan dete hain?
0 main apana kaam dekh loon yahee ganeemat hai. sonam apana kaam bakhoobee jaanatee hain. main khush hoon ki unhonne ‘neeraja’ kee. bahut kam ektaron ke khaate mein yaadagaar philmen aatee hai. sonam ko yah khushee milee hai. neeraja usake kariyar mein meel ka patthar saabit huee. yah usake lie anaseph phaisala tha. vah koee aur romaantik philm kar sakatee hai. usamen usaka tailent sabake saamane aaya hai. main khush hoon ki usane ‘neeraja’ philm kee. vaise mujhe use kuchh bataane kee jaroorat nahin hai. vah sulajhee huee hai. jo kahatee hai,sach kahatee hai. usake paas itane behatareen pita hain.
-pita bonee kapoor bade nirmaata hain. unake kaam ko aap kab sambhaalenge?
0 nirmaata banane se main darata hoon. main unase jyaada kharcheela insaan hoon. main apane paise nahin sambhaal sakata hoon. unake kaise sambhaal sakoonga. mujhe abhee-bhee nahin pata ki mera baink akaunt kahaan hai. main sab kharch kar doonga. main nirmaata banane ke laayak nahin hoon. main daayarektar jaroor banoonga. unakee viraasat ko aage badhaoonga. vaise main abhee taiyaar nahin hoon. abhee mujhe achchhe mauke mil rahe hain. aane vaale das saalon mein main yah kar sakata hoon.
-sinema ne arjun ko insaan ke taur par kya sikhaaya hai?
0 main indastree ke logon ke beech pala badha hoon. asaliyat se vaakiph hoon. indastree badee ajeeb jagah hai. aaj aapako maan-sammaan dene vaale kal tak aapako dekhana gavaara nahin karate the. in baaton se mujhe phark nahin pada hai. mujhe yah pahale se pata tha. main keval pojeetiv cheejen dekhata hoon. ekting kee badaulat apana mukaam bana paaya hoon. logon se kanekt bana paaya hoon. log mujhe pyaar dete hain. anajaan logon se muhabbat milatee hain. isase jyaada kya chaahie. in sabase aap jimmedaaree mahasoos karate hain. main yahaan par khush hoon. yah kamaal kee jagah hai.
Arjun Kapoor is rather amazing film INDUSTRIE -ajay BrhmatmjArjun Kapoor has experimented with her character. R Balki's 'The End of the' made in house husband. This unique idea. He spoke about his journey and the film:
-What's With the effective factor. ... KKK player threat. After that, "the end of" End of the ...0 Yes, my co-star Kareena Kapoor Khan. It is also KKK factor. I always speak in the film Kareena's 'and of Balki's'. I 'and' he said. 'The' and 'in' they are both. I do not know whether it will work for me factor. But I 'and of the' lot of fun. Just as' threats player's experience. I just say that I received from both the positive energy.
Often no special characters in the movie, or add a name. How much do you believe?0 would not even ask me to change the name. My mother gave me a topaz ring. (Pointing) I am always wears. For me it is his memory. I believed every word of his. Now my grandmother and aunt who says, I am the same. I myself do not believe all these things much. If someone believes all these things and then his respect. For the good advice of my close ones, it appears Pojitivanes so I do not deny it. Once a priest, seeing my horoscope said I can never become an actor. The reality is the opposite.Friend and Brother Sun -apane actor wrote in his Facebook profile. What is the reason behind it?0 after that before I became a brother and a friend's son. Later became an actor. Because of these relationships, I have become an actor. These relationships are not good person, so I can not feel. Far from the actor. In every relationship there is some or the other problem. No son or brother may not be perfect. We move forward while learning. I believe in private life, has the effect of acting. Why I put in the last actor in the States. All three actors have been perfect if it will become even more perfect.
What the actor or the impact of relationships with people around you really have to play.0 I believe you are sensible actor will use the atmosphere. If there is emotional scene, ongoing volatility in your life, then somewhere you can use it in the Act. The viewer will not understand it at the time or before the scene was happening in your personal life? It is also true that every time you use the emotions of private life can not in acting. Most characters and the story, according to the director of the point has to. 'Two States' does not mean that my relationship with my father is not well.
-Our Hindi cinema remains a Tradisnl Bollywood frame. This creates a problem.0 A few days ago I 'Marshn' seen the movie. She is amazing film. Tue a man left on the planet. How does he live on that alone, the film is in that respect. We also wish to be films. People think that the actors speak the Directorate will make such films. We think that we will then write a film writer. These hundreds of things that are safe because we are tied into the same range. But change came slowly. Our action and superhero movies based on international standards is being preferred. Emotions are the strength of our films. Recently I 'spectacle saw. He was a dark drama. The director depicts the story is the new way. We just can not compete with the West. We are behind in their content and Craft.
-'ki And the 'Explain.0 is a very funny film. It is based on the centuries-old social issue. Is discussed in hushed voices. Seldom has not spoken openly on the subject. I believe that gender should not decide whether or not to work. It must be because of the skills and abilities. If you've received a Ldkha mother who wants to keep house like the house so what society or his wife would understand him? The film is about the strange boy. The boy comes Ldkhi ambitious in life. He desired to be like her mother does. It is a very serious issue. It has shown a very sensitive manner.
-krina Kapoor Khan What was the experience? He is your senior.Little difference in our age is 0. But we both have friends. Someone asked me, do you like the work of Karina. I told them I am a fan. The rumors that I am nervous in front of them. nothing of the sort. I respect him as an artist means fan. He is working after marriage. Are respected for their work. Still work with enthusiasm. When I became an actor since he does not know them. Here she is amazing. After many days, he'll see that.
-sonm Much focus on the job?Thankfully my job is that I shall see 0. Sonam knows their toes. I am happy that he neeraja's. Very few actors get to the account of memorable films. Sonam is the joy. Proved to be a milestone in his career neeraja. Unsafe for her decision. He can no more romantic movie. It was there for all of his talent. I am happy that he 'neeraja' film. Well I do not have to tell him something. He has been solved. Says, is honest. He has such a wonderful father.
-pita Largest producer Boney Kapoor. When you take over their work?0 I dread to become a producer. I am a human being more expensive to them. I can not handle your money. I can handle them. I still do not know where is my bank account. I will spend it all. I am not fit to be the producer. I definitely will be acting director. Bdahunga their legacy. Well I am not ready yet. I have yet to find good opportunities. I do this in the coming ten years.
-sinema To Arjuna is taught as a human?0 I have grown up among the people of the industry. Am aware of reality. The industry is a very strange place. Today that respect you could not afford to see you tomorrow. These things I have not. I already knew it. I see only positive things. I helped him to create his stage acting. People have failed to connect. People tend to love me. Receive love from strangers. What more can. You feel all the responsibility. I am happy here. It is rather amazing.------------------------
-What's With the effective factor. ... KKK player threat. After that, "the end of" End of the ...0 Yes, my co-star Kareena Kapoor Khan. It is also KKK factor. I always speak in the film Kareena's 'and of Balki's'. I 'and' he said. 'The' and 'in' they are both. I do not know whether it will work for me factor. But I 'and of the' lot of fun. Just as' threats player's experience. I just say that I received from both the positive energy.
Often no special characters in the movie, or add a name. How much do you believe?0 would not even ask me to change the name. My mother gave me a topaz ring. (Pointing) I am always wears. For me it is his memory. I believed every word of his. Now my grandmother and aunt who says, I am the same. I myself do not believe all these things much. If someone believes all these things and then his respect. For the good advice of my close ones, it appears Pojitivanes so I do not deny it. Once a priest, seeing my horoscope said I can never become an actor. The reality is the opposite.Friend and Brother Sun -apane actor wrote in his Facebook profile. What is the reason behind it?0 after that before I became a brother and a friend's son. Later became an actor. Because of these relationships, I have become an actor. These relationships are not good person, so I can not feel. Far from the actor. In every relationship there is some or the other problem. No son or brother may not be perfect. We move forward while learning. I believe in private life, has the effect of acting. Why I put in the last actor in the States. All three actors have been perfect if it will become even more perfect.
What the actor or the impact of relationships with people around you really have to play.0 I believe you are sensible actor will use the atmosphere. If there is emotional scene, ongoing volatility in your life, then somewhere you can use it in the Act. The viewer will not understand it at the time or before the scene was happening in your personal life? It is also true that every time you use the emotions of private life can not in acting. Most characters and the story, according to the director of the point has to. 'Two States' does not mean that my relationship with my father is not well.
-Our Hindi cinema remains a Tradisnl Bollywood frame. This creates a problem.0 A few days ago I 'Marshn' seen the movie. She is amazing film. Tue a man left on the planet. How does he live on that alone, the film is in that respect. We also wish to be films. People think that the actors speak the Directorate will make such films. We think that we will then write a film writer. These hundreds of things that are safe because we are tied into the same range. But change came slowly. Our action and superhero movies based on international standards is being preferred. Emotions are the strength of our films. Recently I 'spectacle saw. He was a dark drama. The director depicts the story is the new way. We just can not compete with the West. We are behind in their content and Craft.
-'ki And the 'Explain.0 is a very funny film. It is based on the centuries-old social issue. Is discussed in hushed voices. Seldom has not spoken openly on the subject. I believe that gender should not decide whether or not to work. It must be because of the skills and abilities. If you've received a Ldkha mother who wants to keep house like the house so what society or his wife would understand him? The film is about the strange boy. The boy comes Ldkhi ambitious in life. He desired to be like her mother does. It is a very serious issue. It has shown a very sensitive manner.
-krina Kapoor Khan What was the experience? He is your senior.Little difference in our age is 0. But we both have friends. Someone asked me, do you like the work of Karina. I told them I am a fan. The rumors that I am nervous in front of them. nothing of the sort. I respect him as an artist means fan. He is working after marriage. Are respected for their work. Still work with enthusiasm. When I became an actor since he does not know them. Here she is amazing. After many days, he'll see that.
-sonm Much focus on the job?Thankfully my job is that I shall see 0. Sonam knows their toes. I am happy that he neeraja's. Very few actors get to the account of memorable films. Sonam is the joy. Proved to be a milestone in his career neeraja. Unsafe for her decision. He can no more romantic movie. It was there for all of his talent. I am happy that he 'neeraja' film. Well I do not have to tell him something. He has been solved. Says, is honest. He has such a wonderful father.
-pita Largest producer Boney Kapoor. When you take over their work?0 I dread to become a producer. I am a human being more expensive to them. I can not handle your money. I can handle them. I still do not know where is my bank account. I will spend it all. I am not fit to be the producer. I definitely will be acting director. Bdahunga their legacy. Well I am not ready yet. I have yet to find good opportunities. I do this in the coming ten years.
-sinema To Arjuna is taught as a human?0 I have grown up among the people of the industry. Am aware of reality. The industry is a very strange place. Today that respect you could not afford to see you tomorrow. These things I have not. I already knew it. I see only positive things. I helped him to create his stage acting. People have failed to connect. People tend to love me. Receive love from strangers. What more can. You feel all the responsibility. I am happy here. It is rather amazing.------------------------
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