जीवन के आठ पाठ - शाह रुख खान
Lesson 2: So my next lesson is the following: If you ever find yourself
cheated of all your money and sleeping on a grave, do not fear, a
miracle is near, either that or a ghost. All you have to do is fall
asleep! In other words, no matter how bad it gets, life IS the miracle
you are searching for. There is no other one around the corner. Develop
the faith in it to let it take its own course, make all the effort you
can to abide by its beauty and it will not let you down. Use every
resource you have been given, your mental faculties, the ability of your
heart to love and feel for those around you, your health and good
fortune: all of the thousands of gifts life has given you to their
maximum potential. Honour your life. Honour each gift and each moment by
not laying it to waste. There is no real measure of success in this
world except the ability to make good of life’s endowments to you.
Lesson 3: Darr means fear in Hindi and everyone always tells you that
you ought to be brave so I’m not going to bore you with that idea.
Instead let me tell you this: Being brave means being shit scared all
the way to the party but getting there and doing the Funky Chicken in
front of all your teenage kid’s friends anyway. Let me just add on
behalf of all the fathers of the world who have embarrassed their
children by doing this…it takes a lot of bravery resolve and grit to do
this. So do it. Don’t let your fears become boxes that enclose you. Open
them out, feel them and turn them into the greatest courage you are
capable of. I promise you, nothing will go wrong. But if you live by
your fears, everything that can possibly go wrong will go wrong and you
wont even have done the Funky Chicken.
Lesson 4: Life lesson number four rears its head: Give of yourself to
others. And while you’re at it, make sure you realise that you aren’t
doing anyone any favours by being kind. It’s all just to make you feel
that sneaky little twinge that comes from being utterly pleased with
yourself. After all, the one that gets the most benefit out of any act
of kindness or charity that you do will always be you. I don’t say this,
as many see it, in a transactive or karmic way. It’s not an “I do good,
I get benefit” equation with some white bearded figure taking notes
from the heavens above. It’s a simple truth. An act of goodness becomes
worthless when you assign a brownie point to yourself for it, no matter
how subtly you allow yourself to do so. As benevolent as your gesture
might be; someone else could have made it too. Regardless of how rich,
successful and famous you become, don’t ever underestimate the grace
that other people bestow upon you just by being the recipients of your
kindnesses. You might be able to buy your friend a Rolls for his/her
birthday but its no substitute for a patient hearing of your sulky rants
on a bad hair day.
Lesson 5: So my fifth lesson is this: When life hits you with all the
force of its resplendent rage, the Rolls isn’t going to give you
comfort. A friend’s grace will, and if you can’t find resolution as
easily as you would like to, don’t panic. Everything evolves as you go
along, Chalte Chalte as we say in Hindi (and yes, that was another movie
I did but no more mad plots for God’s sake!!) Even disasters eventually
resolve themselves. Give life the space to move at its own pace,
pushing it ahead only by way of being kind to yourself when you are
hurting or in despair. You don’t always have to figure things out or
find an explanation for the circumstances you are in.
Lesson 6: All the names you give yourself, or those that others call
you, are just labels. You are not defined by them no matter how
flattering or uncomplimentary they are. What defines you is your heart.
Ask The Artist Formerly Known As Prince!! And learn a thing or two from
him, if you don’t believe this insanely sexy Indian Superstar standing
in front of you. And I say this out of experience because if I was to go
by what all I am called on Social Media I would be an old desperate
manipulative has been star who swings both ways while making crap
movies, and these are just the good mentions.
Lesson 7: Whatever it is that is pulling you back, its not going away
unless you stand up and start forging your own path with all your might
in the opposite direction. Stop whining and start moving, so to speak.
Sadness and happiness have the same quality of transience. Life is a
balanced exchange of one with the other. And this is lesson number
eight: Don’t attach yourself to either, they’re both going to change
with the same certitude. Take them with the ephemeral spirit of their
impermanence and manage them with a healthy dose of good humour. Laugh
at yourself when you are despairing, shed a tear or two when one of my
movie plots makes you hysterical with laughter.
Lesson 8 (final): Live from the heart. Dil Se. Love. Love people, love
the world around you, love animals and birds, and big cities and
mountains, love dreams, love life, love your work, your friends and your
enemies even if you feel least like it. Most importantly, my friends;
love yourselves. Embrace all that this life has in store for you, let
your heart be as deep as the deepest ocean and as wide as the farthest
horizon. Know that it is limitless. Love is not an excuse to grab or to
hold or to own or to barter. It is the only excuse you will ever have to
call yourself special. And if someone you love lets you down, don’t
fault yourself for not trusting him, fault yourself for not trusting
your love enough to forgive his/her trespasses.