यूट्यूब हिंदी टाकीज पर द लंचबाक्‍स

यूट्यूब हिंदी टाकीज पर द लंचबाक्‍स


sanjeev5 said…
The script nor the director managed to show their lonliness properly. The question is how unrealistic it is that the Indian woman writes a letter instead of making sure that the lunchbox is going to a wrong place. If you want to see this kind of relationship see CASTAWAY where the hero forms relationship with a coconut. It is very silly of the director to show that the lady is going to Bhutan. It is poor end. The film could have been made interesting when the old man should have found the husband and shown him the goodness of the cooking of his wife and the wife itself. Acting wise Irfaan is ok and Navazuddin has done his bit and the girl is experessionless and fails to show her loneliness. In my view it is not Oscar material and is certainly better than average Mumbai film but is grossly overrated.
sanjeev5 said…
Sorry in CASTAWAY it is not Coconut but a football that becomes the friend of the hero when he is lonely.

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